Massachusetts Cultural Council
Patricia Stacey won a Massachusetts Cultural Council Award for her piece, Inheritance, and for excerpts from her novel-in-progress. Click here to read one of the award-winning pieces, which was also published in the New York Times.
Acclaim and Reviews for The Boy Who Loved Windows
The Boy Who Loved Windows was named a BookBrowse Book of the Year.
“This is gripping, real life family drama at its best. It should go without saying that this would be useful reading for anybody involved with autism – but The Boy Who Loved Windows has been, and should continue to be, read by a wider audience for the raw power of the writing and the story told.”
The Oprah Magazine
“[A] heart-stopping new memoir…riveting…a gripping…narrative of a family struggling to keep intact…Mostly, though, it’s the story of a mother who refused to read the writing on the wall–and saved her son’s life in the process…compelling.”
Marietta Times
“When you find a good book, a really, really good book, what do you do? Most readers would confess to buttonholing friends (especially the close ones) and demanding that they promise to read that particularly wonderful book. That’s my initial reaction to Patricia Stacey’s first book, the awesome account of her son’s battle against autism…illustrates the intense relationship between mother and son…The author writes with all the authenticity of a medical professional (she’s not) and presents this captivating story in 300 pages that will keep the reader turning pages after midnight. I’d be shocked if The Boy Who Loved Windows doesn’t win a stack of major writing awards. It’s a book you will recommend to friends, especially to mothers who will identify with this altogether compelling story.”
Publishers Weekly
“A sharply observed, deeply personal account.”
Library Journal
“Vivid descriptions…recommended for all public libraries and for academic libraries with education and social work collections.”
Reviews from Amazon for The Boy Who Loved Windows
Spell binding
Katie Olmstead – “I have to admire the courage and honesty that Ms Stacey writes, as well as lives her life. This level of self-disclosure, nearly unbearable to read at times, brings a power to her story that makes it completely compelling. I couldn’t put it down, and now have a long list of friends and family to share it with. I know that, often, a diagnosis isn’t available, or doesn’t quite fit, or doesn’t further you towards healing (in any realm). Patricia takes the reader on a journey of searching for healing, for growth, never giving up, with a fortitude that is inspiring. Again, this can generalize to other kinds of healing. Walker was lucky to be born into this family. And we, as readers, are lucky that Patricia writes such a fine memoir.”
Ronald Boutte – “She’s a great writer. This book gave me a greater understanding”
Edith Nowak – “Beautifully written and also gave me the courage I need to never give up.”
A must read – don’t wait to read this book
Beth – “This book is a heart warming, informative masterpiece that can change peoples’ lives.”
A Must Have!!!!!!
Hope – “This book is a must have. It is the ONLY one I have read that deals with intervention with babies. I believe often there are signs that appear in babies long before they hit 18 months.”